In this section we have the following self-help videos / documents to solve problems you have. If you follow the steps and the problem is not resolved, you can communicate to: or through our chat.
Recommended first step
The essential or the best recommended thing is to register, so that you can make use of the services offered and also for greater ease of helping you when you have a situation when using the programs, our steps would be to register and (in case of buying license) register.
How to sign up / How to setup your account
How to use the license / How to use the License
Access to members only, Error # 101.
When we have the error 101 problem it is because something happened between our browser and the page at the time of communication, the data cannot be verified correctly (User register) so we proceed to eliminate one or more: historial, cache and cookies,
How to clear complete history on safari-iphone / Clear History Safari Iphone
How to clear cache and cookies of a safari-iphone / Clear Cookies & Cache Safari Iphone
How to delete history, cache and cookies from a chrome-iphone / Clear History Chrome Iphone
How to delete data, cookies and history on a MAC / Clear History MAC
How to delete data, cookies and history on an ANDROID / Clear History Android
How to use exercise system / How to use exercise system
- Return: returns a few seconds the video
- Play / Pause: start the video and can stop it
- forward: fast forward a few seconds the video
- Sound: volume of the videos (currently the videos have no sound)
- Start End Time: indicates the time where it goes and its duration
- Settings: to increase or decrease the video quality
- Fullscreen: to make the video in full screen
The videos are not seen or there is an error when we see it / Videos are not visible or getting Error at play
When it only gives Error of service workers (in the case of apple devices) this is because apple makes updates to your system, so the security we handle requires that your Safari have certain updates and if it does not find them it gives the error, for this solution in case they cannot update your IOS by yourself, we recommend to install Chrome.
When does it come out video has encountered errorThis is due to a connection, it can happen that some videos if others do not, in this case if you reload the page it will be fixed, we are working on improving the connections to eliminate this detail, if it persists you can contact us to help you.
play on app
This happens in androids devices when their system is not updated, for that it is recommended that the Zenplayer app found in the google play store be installed, which helps to safely watch videos from our site
How to do a payment / How to do a payment
How to Download PDF
Step 1. - Find the product and add it to buy
Step 2.- fill out information and pay
Step 3.- (subscribers continue reading, non-subscribers go to Step 5) once completed it will send you to the next page where you can download it with the BUILD & TONE HOME PDF button
Step 4.-Click BUILD & TONE AT HOME PDF button, it will ask you to save it to laptop / PC, on iphone / android a new page will open with the pdf file as the following page:
"Laptop / PC"
Save the file to your desktop
click the up arrow in the box (bottom center)
button with ↑ middle arrow
then proceed to save it to your local storage or gmail, google drive, dropbox, etc.
Step 5.- by email (provided) you will receive a notification of the purchase of the product with a link
Click BUILD & TONE AT HOME PDF to start downloading, to save follow Step 4.